It never ceases to amaze how many footpaths there are that I still haven’t walked in the glorious Yorkshire Dales and even just in Wensleydale, our last walking group walk was definitely no exception!
We set off from Leyburn and took a circuitous route via Harmby and finished up at the newly refurbished Posthorn in the market place.
Make your way down to St Matthew’s Church, if it’s open have a peep in, a lovely little church, then take the footpath opposite. Cross the bridge over the railway line and continue through the houses until the path takes you into open fields. Continue on downhill to come out near Low Lane House on to the quite busy Mighten’s Bank. (On the map you pass How Hills driveway) Cross the road with care and take the roadway towards the Sewage Works, (not an unpleasant experience at all!) follow the footpath to Middleham Lane and walk to Harmby. Watch out for an intriguing doorway along the way. Take time to walk up the hill and have a look at the waterfall, retrace your steps from here going part way back down the hill and take the footpath on the right near the telephone box. Along here you’ll discover the Harmby Manor Garth Wildflower Path continue through the fields to Walk Mill and make your way back to Mighten’s Bank.
Carefully negotiating the road, turn right up the hill and take the path opposite just below the first house, marked The Cottage on the map, but called Low Bank House with a five bar gate at the entrance to the driveway. Walk back to rejoin the pathway you started on and back over the railway bridge and into Leyburn. Wonderful views along the way, not at all taxing, just a lovely morning or afternoon walk. Don’t forget to always plan your route, these are just cursory instructions, take your map and always wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Again enjoy!
Written By Nadine Bell