Like a lot of other organisations the Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust have found the last twelve months a challenging time but you, our holidaymakers, have continued to support them throughout the year and we, and the YDMT, would like to say thank you.
With your donations the YDMT create woodlands, transform meadows, give out grants to support organisations and people through the crisis and help young people and disadvantaged groups access the Dales when they can – vital for well-being.
They are part of the Bee Together project and have created ten wildlife patches and a community meadow to benefit wild pollinators. Over the winter they are supporting the planting 29,000 trees and since the Together for Trees appeal was launched in 2018 they have helped to plant nearly 60,000 trees! They have become the lead partner in large scale meadow creation. This project aims to reverse the alarming decline that has seen 97% of meadows eradicated and the remaining 3% teetering on the very brink of extinction.
They help to restore barns, rebuild walls and protect the wildlife of this very special place, the glorious Yorkshire Dales.
You can donate at any time through our website, £1.00 goes a long way when there are many donations collectively together! Or set up a Direct Debit with the YDMT, just £3.00 a month could help propagate rare wildflower species for re-introduction into meadow habitats while £15.00 a month could help provide training for a young rural apprentice.
Written By Nadine Bell