Hackfall, an ancient woodland near Masham in the Yorkshire Dales
Hackfall woods, in between Grewelthorpe and Masham, is so much more than trees, now a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) there are of course many trees, oak, beech, sycamore, limes and ash trees but go any time of year
The Work of the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust
Like a lot of other organisations the Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust have found the last twelve months a challenging time but you, our holidaymakers, have continued to support them throughout the year and we, and the YDMT, would like to say thank you.
Dippers in Walden Beck, West Burton WOW!
Thank you to Sandra for sending me this wonderful photo of the dippers in Walden Beck, just amazing. Sandra is one of our lovely property owners, Beck Side and Bridge View in West Burton, both overlooking Walden Beck, A truly magical place to stay, come and see if you can spot the dippers too!